Jocelyn's Legacy Foundation
Our Story:
Jocelyn's Legacy Foundation was founded in memory of Jocelyn Marie Ducharme, who passed away September 28th, 2021 at the age of 3, from AT/RT (Atypical Teratoid/Rhabdoid Tumor) brain cancer. During her 2.5 year fight Jocelyn truly embodied what it was to be a warrior. With a smile on her face, and love in her heart each and every day; her strength shined through even during her toughest battles.
The impact Jocelyn had on this world was very clear, although her time on this earth was short the light and love she brought to everyone around her is one that will last a lifetime. Watching this impact first hand is what pushed her parents, Joshua & Katelynn Ducharme to want to do more, and continue her legacy.
While on treatment, Jocelyn loved to paint, many of the paintings she made were sold to help fund Childhood Cancer Research, over $3,000 being raised. This is where the foundation's idea for our Art Kits came from, Jocelyn's love for art and painting. We hope to spread beauty, and smiles to other children's faces who are fighting cancer just like Jocelyn experienced.
If Jocelyn taught the world anything it would be that even on the toughest days you can find a reason to smile. That is our goal with this foundation. Give each and every childhood cancer family we come across, their reason to smile.
We would like to extend our greatest gratitude to anyone who has supported the Ducharme family over the past 3+ years. We truly couldn't have done this without each and every one of you.
Let's make Jocelyn proud. ❤️🦋